OFA/Pennhip Testing

We are excited to help in getting your pet health tested. We ask that you do not give your pet any food after 12AM the night prior to their appointment; a small amount of water is fine. If you will not be able to make it to your appointment, we ask that you give us a 24-48 hour notice. Please note that there is paperwork that needs to be filled out and brought with you at the time of your appointment. We require a $100 deposit in order to schedule this visit, which will go towards the final total for the appointment.

If your pet is getting any OFA testing done, you will need to go to the link below and fill out the appropriate paperwork for your dog’s testing. If your pet is getting PennHIP testing done, you will need to fill out the form listed below and bring it with you to your pet’s appointment.

Please bring all of the necessary paperwork, filled out, to your appointment. Please note that PennHIP does request permanent identification, such as Microchip or Tattoo. OFA requires a microchip in order to have your pet’s results in their database. If your pet does not have a microchip, and you’d like one, we can place one at the time of their appointment for $50.00. Once we are done and your pet is fully awake, we will give you a time that you can come pick them up. They may be a little sleepy from sedation, so keep an eye on them and don’t let them over eat/drink.

Online Forms

You can download the PDF to complete and bring with you to your appointment. We have listed a link to the OFA website for their applications, as well as a PDF submission form for Pennhip. Please make sure to fill them out as thoroughly as possible with all pertinent REGISTRY and IDENTIFICATION information.

adobe-readerIf you would like to download the PDF, and do not already have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, click HERE to download.

OFA/PennHip Price List 

(All paperwork must be filled out and signed ahead of time, and brought at drop-off time.) 
Exam- $64 (Required) 
OFA Cardiac Basic- $0 (Part of Exam) 
OFA Patella- $0 (Part of Exam) 
OFA Dentition- $0 (Part of Exam) 
OFA Thyroid MSU- $340 (Includes Shipping) 
Microchip- $54 (Required for PennHip. Required for OFA only if you want OFA 
certification to show up on OFA Database and link to the AKC Database, and
results to be visible to the public.) 
Sedation- $107-$190 (Required with any Radiographs and cost is dependent on 
OFA Hips- $100 
OFA Elbows- $120 
OFA Shoulders- $120 
PennHip Radiographs- $327 
PennHip Fee- $130 (Required, this fee is paid through our account with PennHip when 
radiographs are submitted.) 
Paper handling Fee- $35 (Required)  
*Same Day paper handling fee $75, charged if paperwork is not filled out at 
time of drop-off. 
ISO gas- $50-$100, May be charged if patient has more anesthetic needs. 
Tech time ½ hour- $40, charged if patient is difficult or aggressive. 
You will need to provide your credit card information at the bottom of each OFA form. OFA charges a small fee to review each OFA case that is submitted. 
Prices are subject to change without notice.